
Currently, there are more than 6500+ Languages that are spoken in the world. Do you know how people used to communicate with each other and exchange their ideas? Let me tell you before the development of languages people used to communicate with each other in the form of body language, vocalizations, gestures, or maybe the combination of all. This may have been like the chimpanzees communicate with each other.

Also, there is also a hint or suggestion given by Steven Mithen in The Singing Neanderthals that we used to sing before we learned to speak. However, none of them has been proven until now.

As you may already know that English is the most common language in the world. Even though you are reading this article in English it might not be your mother tongue as most of the English speakers choose the English language as their second language because it has a great reach as well as an influence so that’s the reason why English is taught in the world.

RankLanguageNative SpeakersAgeOrigin
1English1132 Million1400 yearsIndo-Europenan
2Mandarin Chinese1117 Million800 yearsSino-Tibetan
3Hindi615 Million200 yearsIndo-Europenan
4Spanish534 Million1000 yearsIndo-Europenan
5French280 Million8th century ADIndo-Europenan
6Standard Arabic274 Million1500 yearsAfro-Asiatic
7Bengali265 Million1300 yearsIndo-Europenan
8Russian258 Million1156 yearsIndo-Europenan
9Portuguese234 Million3000 yearsIndo-Europenan
10Indonesian199 Million7th centuryAustronesian

1.English (1,132 million) : Without a doubt, English is the number one contender if we talk about the top languages in the world as it is widely spoken language of the world.

Hello in English: hello .

English comes first when we speak about the most spoken language of the world. However, it comes third when we talk about the native speaker of the language.

Some Fun Fact of English that you might don’t know

  1. 1. 11% of the entire English language words consist of the letter E.
  2. 2. According to Wikipedia, it is the third most – spoken native language in the world.
  3. 3. If you are facing problems learning English Language don’t worry, most of the native English speakers have trouble with it too.
  4. 4. English is made up of Latin, Greek, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Dutch, and Spanish, and some words from other languages too.
  5. 5. Approximately 225 million Americans of the United States of America speak

2. Chinese (1.3billion) or Mandarin Chinese (1117 million): With the highest population of China i.e. approximately 1.39 billion the most spoken language by native speakers is also Chinese.

However, in the Chinese Language, there are many different languages such as Mandarin, Yue, etc but 70% of the total population of China (1117 million ) speaks Mandarin Chinese so in that way we can say Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language( by the native speaker )of the world . So accordingly if we see every one in six people in the world speak Chinese.

Mandarin Chinese comes second if we talk about the most number of speakers in theworld. However, comes first when we talk about the native speaker.

Hello in Chinese: 你好 ( Nǐ hǎo )

Heading of our Article in Chinese: 世界十大语言。 ( Shìjiè shí dà yǔyán.)

Some Fun Fact of Chinese that you might don’t know

  1. Chinese is considered one of the hardest languages to learn.
  2. Verbs aren’t marked as tenses.
  3. Most of the words of Chinese Language sound the same.
  4. Chinese is one of the oldest languages in the world and it is still the most widely used language in the world.
  5. There are many different languages that fall under the Chinese language i.e. Mandarin (Putonghua), Yue(Cantonese), Xiang(Hunanese), Min dialect, Gan dialect, Wu dialect, and Kejia(Hakka) dialect.

3.Hindi (615 million): Hindi is one of the renowned languages of the world. Also one of the most used languages by the native speakers in India. It is also used in some parts of Pakistan. Hindi is a descendent of the ancient India Language “Sanskrit “.

Hello in Hindi: नमस्कार

Heading of our Article in Hindi: दुनिया में शीर्ष 10 भाषाएँ

Hindi comes third when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, comes forth when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Hindi that you might don’t know

  1. Hindi is an Indo-European Language.
  2. Some of the Hindi words are also borrowed by the English Language such as punch, pajamas, etc.
  3. Hindi Speaking Regions of India celebrate 14th September as Hindi Day.
  4. Each letter or word of Hindi sounds distinct.
  5. Hindi is one of the languages that can be used to form a web address.

4.Spanish (534 million): The Spanish Language is a Romance language. It is also known as Castillian. One of the biggest dilemmas is that people think tha Mexico Spanish is also a Spanish language. However it is not. Mexico Spanish is a set of varieties of Spanish Language. Spanish language politics and identity are highly disputed if we ask a Catalan or Quechua Speaker if their local tongue is Spanish or not.

Hello in Spanish: Hola

Heading of our Article in Spanish: 10 principales idiomas del mundo

Spanish comes forth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, comes second when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Spanish that you might don’t know

  1. Spanish has the same language family as of English.
  2. If we know how to spell a Spanish word then we can easily pronounce it.
  3. The Spanish Language is hugely influenced by Arabic.
  4. English and Spanish share a large vocabulary.
  5. The first modern novel is also written in Spanish.

5.French: The French language is also a Romance Language. It is from the Indo-European family. Also French is the Official Language of 29 countries. Kinshasa is the world’s largest French-speaking city.

Hello in French: Bonjour

Heading of our Article in French: Top 10 des langues du monde

French comes fifth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, doesn’t fall under the top 10 when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of French that you might don’t know

  1. The pronunciation of the French Language is different in different parts of France.
  2. Famous Stories such as “Les Miserables” were also originally written in French.
  3. In France, French is not always spoken.
  4. In French, there are no words that use the letter “w”.
  5. However, like in English Language French words also commonly contain the letter “e”.

6.Standard Arabic (274 million) : Classical Arabic is also known as Modern Standard Arabic Language that is used in the Quran as well as many literary texts. Many Muslims learn Arabic to read the Quran in its original form.

Hello in Arabic: مرحبا (marhabaan)

Heading of our Article in Arabic: أفضل 10 لغات في العالم . (‘afdal 10 lighat fi alealam.)

Arabic comes sixth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, doesn’t fall under the top 10 when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Arabic that you might don’t know

  1. Arabic alphabet is not an alphabet but an ajbad where each letter doesn’t stands for
  2. vowel but consonant.
  3. Arabic constructs words from roots.
  4. English language has borrowed many words from arabic such as alcohol,algebra etc.
  5. Arabic is approximately 1500 years old.
  6. Poetry is the oldest form of Arabic Literature.

7.Bengali (228 million): Believe it or not Bengali is the seventh most spoken language of the world.Bengali is one the sweetest language of all which is widely spoken in Kolkata and Bangladesh.It is also known as Bangla Language.

Bengali comes seventh when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, comes fifth when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Bengali that you might don’t know

  1. 21st February is celebrated as International Mother Language Day in Bengali.
  2. The National Anthem of India is also written in Bengali.
  3. English has borrowed some words from bengali language.
  4. It is very tough to learn language because one mark changes the entire meaning.
  5. Many people sacrifice their life for their mother language. Also ‘Bangladesh’ is named after this language.

8.Russian (258 million): Russian is derived from the old East Slavic Language. It also has strong similarities with Ukranian and Belorussian. It is one of the sixth official languages of the United Nation.

Hello in Russian : Привет (Privet)

Heading of our Article in Russian: 10 лучших языков мира

Russian comes eighth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, comes seventh when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Russian that you might don’t know

  1. Russian is considered as one of the most complex languages of the world.
  2. Still today many russian speakers are not using correct words.
  3. It is one of the sixth official languages of the United Nation.
  4. Russian Language is a necessity for NASA applicants .
  5. English Native speaker can understand 10% of russian because some russian words are similar to english words.

9. Protuguese (234 million): Protuguese roots are in the region of Medieval Galicia(part of Spain). It is also known as a Westeren Romance Language. It is derived from Portugal Brazil, Cape Verde etc.

Hello in Protuguese: Olá

Heading of our Article in Portuguese: 10 melhores idiomas do mundo

Protuguese comes ninth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, comes sixth when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Protuguese that you might don’t know

  1. It is the official language of nine countries.
  2. The English language has also borrowed some words from Protuguese.
  3. Protuguese has only 23 Letters until 2009.
  4. Portugal contains only 5% of the total Portuguese speakers there.
  5. Its longest word has 29 letters.

10.Indonesian (199 million): Indonesian is member of Austronesian Languages Family. Indonesian is also referred as Bhasa Indonesia which is the official language spoken in Indonesia.

Hello in Indonesian: Halo

Heading of our Article in Indonesian: 10 bahasa terbaik di dunia

Indonesain comes tenth when we talk about the most number of speakers in the world. However, it doesn’t fall under the top 10 when we talk about the native speaker.

Some Fun Fact of Indonesian that you might don’t know

  1. It is the second language in Vietnam,
  2. Indonesian is part of the Malayan Language.
  3. Indonesian is an easy language to learn.
  4. Indonesian language is a popular language in Australia.
  5. It is the 3rd most used language in WordPress.


There are many other most popular and beautiful languages of the world which might not fall under the top 10 list but still are very popular for example Urdu 19 which has almost 170 million speakers in the world and German language which 132 million speakers in the world.

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